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Prettier 2.8: improve --cache CLI option and TypeScript 4.9 satisfies operator!

· 7 min read

This release includes improvements to the --cache option added in 2.7. A new --cache-location option has been added, and a bug that saved the cache even when --write wasn't specified has been fixed.

We're also adding support for TypeScript 4.9 satisfies operator!

If you enjoy Prettier and would like to support our work, consider sponsoring us directly via our OpenCollective or by sponsoring the projects we depend on, including typescript-eslint, remark, and Babel.

The Prettier team plans to release 3.0 within the next few months. If you are a plugin developer, get ready for the migration. Visit the migration guide and issue #13606 for more information.



Support TypeScript 4.9 satisfies operator (#13764, #13783, #13872 by @sosukesuzuki)

const palette = {
red: [255, 0, 0],
green: "#00ff00",
blue: [0, 0, 255]
} satisfies Record<Colors, string | RGB>;

Auto-Accessors in Classes will be supported in an upcoming 2.8 patch release. We have de-scoped them for now to ship satisfies operator sooner.


Do not save the cache if the --write option wasn't specified (#13016 by @Milly)

# Prettier 2.7
$ prettier --cache foo.js
# This shows formatted contents of `foo.js`.
# Then cache is created and `foo.js` is flagged as already formatted.

$ prettier --cache --write foo.js
foo.js 2ms (cached)
# "... (cached)" means the file is already formatted, so nothing is done this time.

# Prettier 2.8
$ prettier --cache foo.js
# Show formatted contents of `foo.js`.

$ prettier --cache --write foo.js
foo.js 2ms
# `foo.js` is formatted now.

Add --cache-location option (#13019 by @sosukesuzuki)

By default, Prettier CLI saves the cache file for the --cache option at ./node_modules/.cache/prettier/.prettier-cache. This can be overridden now:

prettier --write --cache --cache-location=my_cache_file src

Other Changes


Fix docblock parsing (#13054 by @fisker)

// With `--insert-pragma` flag

// Input
/* comment */

// Prettier 2.7
* /* comment
* @format


// Prettier 2.8
* comment
* @format


Fix range format for function bodies (#13173 by @thorn0)

// Input
let fn = (() => {
return; //
//^^^^^^^^^^ - range

// Prettier 2.7
let fn = (() => {
return; //

// Prettier 2.8
let fn = (() => {
return; //

Fix inconsistent formatting for multiline strings (#13274 by @GlebDolzhikov)

// Input
const loremIpsumFooBazBar1 = 'Multiline string\
Multiline string\

const loremIpsumFooBazBar2 = 'Multiline string\
Multiline string\
Multiline string'

// Prettier 2.7
const loremIpsumFooBazBar1 = "Multiline string\
Multiline string\

const loremIpsumFooBazBar2 =
"Multiline string\
Multiline string\
Multiline string";

// Prettier 2.8
const loremIpsumFooBazBar1 =
"Multiline string\
Multiline string\

const loremIpsumFooBazBar2 =
"Multiline string\
Multiline string\
Multiline string";


Fix parens in inferred function return types with extends (#13289 by @GlebDolzhikov)

// Input
type Foo<T> = T extends (...a: any[]) => (infer R extends string) ? R : never;

// Prettier 2.7
type Foo<T> = T extends (...a: any[]) => infer R extends string ? R : never;

// Prettier 2.8
type Foo<T> = T extends ((...a: any[]) => infer R extends string) ? R : never;


Fix formatting of long :is, :where, and :not selectors (#13577 by @j-f1)

Pseudo-selectors like :is, :where, and :not that can take multiple selectors as arguments are now formatted like function calls are in other languages. Previously, no special significance was attached to the commas between their “arguments,” leading to confusing wrapping behavior. There are likely still improvements to be made here — please open an issue with some example code if you find something that doesn’t look as expected.

/* Input */
label > input:valid,
label > textarea:not(:empty),
label > button[disabled]
) ~ .errors > .error { display: none; }

/* Prettier 2.7 */
:where(label > input:valid, label > textarea:not(:empty), label
> button[disabled])
~ .errors
> .error {
display: none;

/* Prettier 2.8 */
label > input:valid,
label > textarea:not(:empty),
label > button[disabled]
~ .errors
> .error {
display: none;


Fix: extra space between '#' and '{' (#13286 by @jspereiramoura)

// Input
padding: var(--spacer#{(1) + 2});

// Prettier 2.7
padding: var(--spacer# {(1) + 2});

// Prettier 2.8
padding: var(--spacer#{(1) + 2});


Insert spaces in pipe (#13100 by @sosukesuzuki)

<!-- Input -->
[value]="chart | tuiFilter : filter : range | tuiMapper : toNumbers : range"

<!-- Prettier 2.7 -->
[value]="chart | tuiFilter: filter:range | tuiMapper: toNumbers:range"

<!-- Prettier 2.8 -->
[value]="chart | tuiFilter : filter : range | tuiMapper : toNumbers : range"

Ember / Handlebars

Correctly format custom "else if" blocks (#13507 by @jamescdavis)

A template transform can be used to create custom block keywords that behave similar to if. This updates printer-glimmer to correctly recognize and format the "else if" case when "if" is a custom keyword.

{{! Input }}
{{#when isAtWork}}
Ship that code!
{{else when isReading}}
You can finish War and Peace eventually...
Go to bed!

{{! Prettier 2.7 }}
{{#when isAtWork}}
Ship that code!
{{else}}{{#when isReading}}
You can finish War and Peace eventually...
Go to bed!

{{! Prettier 2.8 }}
{{#when isAtWork}}
Ship that code!
{{else when isReading}}
You can finish War and Peace eventually...
Go to bed!


Preserve inline code line breaks if --prose-wrap=preserve (#11373 by @andersk)

<!-- Input -->
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod `tempor
incididunt` ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

<!-- Prettier 2.7 -->
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod `tempor incididunt` ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

<!-- Prettier 2.8 -->
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod `tempor
incididunt` ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Improve MDX range ignore support (#12208 by @nickrttn)

Adds support for using Markdown range ignore directives in MDX, using JSX comments.

// Input
{/* prettier-ignore-start */}

export const Hello = () => {
return (<p>

{/* prettier-ignore-end */}

// Prettier 2.7 (throws an error)
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type')

// Prettier 2.8
{/* prettier-ignore-start */}

export const Hello = () => {
return (<p>

{/* prettier-ignore-end */}


"Doc Explorer" mode for the Playground (#10183 by @thorn0)

Switch the parser option to the special doc-explorer value to play with Prettier's intermediate representation and see how it's printed with different options.

Fix doc printer issue when using ifBreak inside group (#12362 by @fisker)

// Input
// |80
for (const number of [123_123_123, 123_123_123, 123_123_123, 123_123_123, 12]) {

// Prettier 2.7
for (const number of [
123_123_123, 123_123_123, 123_123_123, 123_123_123, 12,
]) {

// Prettier 2.8
for (const number of [123_123_123, 123_123_123, 123_123_123, 123_123_123, 12]) {

"Rethrow embed errors" checkbox on the Playground (#13227 by @thorn0)

Previously, the behavior of the Playground was confusingly inconsistent with the local behavior of Prettier in that it surfaced parsing errors in embedded languages for debug purposes. Now this behavior is controlled by a checkbox and disabled by default.


Infer parser for .lintstagedrc (#13081 by @OrRosenblatt)

A .lintstagedrc file (without extension) is handled using json and yaml parsers.